An Invitation

Six Weeks of Spirit


Enrolment for Six Weeks of Spirit has now closed, so if you would like to be the first to know when we run it again, and to be able to register for free healings that we will offer during the year, please enter your name and email address below.

You are also very welcome to read the information below to help you get a sense of what the course is about and if it’s something you would like to be a part of in the future.

Lots of love and thanks,

Avanti and Jade

We currently live in a world where so much is asked of us. We often rush through life, overriding ourselves and measuring ourselves by our productivity and external achievements rather than our happiness or peace of mind. We forget to tune into our deeper knowing to help us navigate our choices and decisions and therefore lack clarity when wanting to move forwards which can leave us feeling anxious and unsure. We learnt what to think and feel rather than how to think and feel.

We were literally taught to override ourselves
rather than listen to ourselves.

Most of us have had absolutely no parenting for our spirits whatsoever and our upbringings were more about fitting in than being true to ourselves. We were literally taught to override ourselves rather than to listen to ourselves. We have done our best to fit in and have left our spirit, our source of comfort, wisdom and fulfilment behind in our efforts.

And now that we have come to a stage in our lives when we know that we want to reconnect with the essence of who we really are, we don’t really know how to do so.

There are no shortage of spiritual teachings available. Some of them are even very good, but left to our own devices they can become another means with which to berate ourselves. We learn that we should meditate and then feel bad if we don’t. We learn that we are nothing, we are everything, we shouldn’t have any thoughts, we should become the master of our thoughts, we should be living in constant bliss, having ecstatic sex daily and that we should never feel pain or reach for a chocolate bar. Exhausting.

Spiritual teachings, half understood become yet another stick with which to berate ourselves. They were never designed for the mind, but our clever, busy minds get hold of them and use them as another set of rules.

Another Way

We don’t need another set of rules to live by. We need to be able to listen to ourselves, to the deepest voice within us. Your spirit would never, ever make you wrong. It would comfort you, support you, and steer you in the direction that enables you to show up, as yourself, regardless of the outer circumstances.

We have no interest in telling you what to do, but rather to support you as you learn to listen to your own internal compass. When I came to parenthood, I was absolutely clueless. The only way I knew to raise my children was to listen to their deepest knowings, and to ensure that I didn’t knock their spirits out of them. Turns out this worked pretty well!

Your spirit wants to be free, but your humanness needs to feel safe and herein lies the dance. If you lean into your spirit, it will do the work for you. The unseen world underpins the world that we see and being taught to navigate through life using only five senses seems like madness to me. We all have other senses, we have just forgotten how to trust them.

You know, emotions are an important part of our navigation system. If we do or say something unkind to someone for example, it doesn’t usually feel very good within us. A bit like a warning light coming on in a car. However, some of us feel so uncomfortable within ourselves that another warning light, added to the many that are already on, just increases the discomfort rather than inviting us to look at what is amiss. Western lives tend to be very outwardly focussed and it requires our deliberate attention if we want to engage with ourselves on the inside.

If we wanted to get physically fitter, we might join a gym, take some exercise classes and get interested in what we eat. If we knew that we could do with some guidance, we might even get a personal trainer. You would still need to move your body, but there would be support, guidance and personal care to help you find the best exercises for you.

But what do we do when our concerns are not only of a physical nature? Maybe we seek the support of a therapist for an hour a week. But what do we do the rest of the time? We want to support you and your energy system for long enough to make a real difference to your life.

We are offering a six week course, designed to re-parent the way that you navigate life with your spirit, to help you put it back where it belongs, at the helm. We will be helping you to know which of the many voices within you to listen to, and to help you remember how to trust, and rely on, the senses beyond taste, touch, smell, sight and hearing. We all have this capacity, it’s innate within us, we have just been taught not to use it. We will help you to use the workshop of your own life to highlight the early established patterns that hold you back.

What will Six Weeks of Spirit look like?

It will be different things to different people, depending on what your current needs are. We have a tendency towards Muchness, so will be offering a bountiful buffet of almost daily healings, weekly live calls (with recordings that hold their energetic charge), email support from Avanti, a Facebook group if you’d like to connect with others and a live Q&A session every other week.

However, the most valuable part of the course is also the hardest to describe. What makes our course completely different from any other course, whether online or in person, is that we will hold your energy system in a loving embrace for the entire six weeks. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, you will be held in the way that a mother holds her child and it will feel to us like you are a cherished member of our family. In the feedback we had from previous participants, it was this energetic holding that made the greatest difference and allowed deep and significant change to take place.

There are two aspects to connecting with your spirit. One is being with the depth and essence of who you really are. The other is clearing out of your system, what you are not. You are not your stuff, your stuff gets in the way of who you are!

We know that we are offering a lot, and we don’t expect you to be a good lil student and keep up with it all. It is to support you, not to lengthen your to-do list! All the calls and healings will be recorded and will be designed to keep their energetic charge for the week, which means that you can tune into them whenever it’s convenient for you.

  • Running from Sunday 30th October until Saturday 10th December 2016.
  • We will have a weekly live call on Monday evenings, UK time (with replays for those unable to join us) that will include teachings and tools to help you to reconnect with yourself, a mini workshop each week.
  • A well managed facebook group where you will be able to post your concerns and receive support and guidance about your immediate issues.
  • A priority email service for you to receive support and guidance with issues that feel too sensitive for the group.
  • Regular healings, sometimes to clear blockages that stop your life from flowing, other times to help your depleted energy system fill up its tank. And other times to help you with whatever is arising for you personally.
  • But more than this, we will hold you for the entire six weeks, that’s 1008 hours of  energetic support, in the way a mother holds their own child to support you through the nitty gritty of life, giving you something to lean into, as your spirit moves down and into your form and you move out of your mind. We will be the trainer wheels as you learn to ride the bike.

Describing what it feels like to be held, if you haven’t experienced it for yourself, is not easy. So here are a few words from some previous participants: 

The holding was the best bit, I never doubted it was there, which for a predominantly left brainer is amazing. Catherine, Bristol

I could feel it ALL the time! It felt like a massive support in my daily life. I always knew it was there to call on if I needed a little something extra. There were times at work when I felt challenged so I put down my pen, sat back in my chair and rested in to the field. A few times in the night too. One week I was particularly tearful and I felt as though I was being gently cuddled by a loving mother the entire time. As a result I didn’t feel engulfed by the tears or emotions. It just felt like they were moving through. Jo, Brighton

It was special to be held all the time for such an extended period. Like going to a soul hospital for a while, a soul sanatorium. It did feel very supportive: like a family place where you can always go back and ask, talk, know someone is paying a caring attention. It also felt a bit strange because I’m out of that habit. No one holds me so I probably very badly needed it for a while, especially to help me find enough of myself to hold me. Abi, London

Why we’re offering this

We are offering this course because for years I have been asked to run something other than individual sessions, to teach people to do for themselves what I do with them in a session. Jade had long been telling me that I could share my work in a way that overcomes the limitation of only being able to work with one or two people per day, and now she has come aboard and is helping me to do it. We want to offer something that sustains you over a period long enough to effect actual change.

The first time we ran this course earlier this year was akin to giving birth to one’s first child. We never quite knew what was around the corner. This time, as seasoned course running veterans, we have smoothed the edges and added more dishes to the table.

We will begin on 30th October and it already has our full attention. We are pouring our heart and soul into it. Jade left her well paid job in the corporate world in order to answer the calling of her spirit. This course IS the calling of our spirits, our dharma, and we intend to give it everything we’ve got to ensure that all participants receive the tender loving care they need.

This course is for you if:

  • You are wanting an opportunity to engage with your spirit in a very supported environment without needing to leave your own life to do so.
  • You would like to be held, kept in mind, and have regular contact and support throughout the six week period.
  • You are happy to give your attention to yourself and to look beyond the obvious, surface levels of life.
  • You are willing for your ‘stuff’ to arise, knowing that if it is coming up, it wants to be cleared.

It’s not for you if:

  • You already have a strong connection with your spirit and don’t need any support.
  • You prefer to have someone else do the work for you.
  • You are currently too busy to give any time to your spiritual connection.
  • You prefer to experience your spirit on a retreat or workshop, outside of your regular life.


avantiAvanti by Jade

I’m incredibly proud of Avanti and feel so lucky to have her as my mother, and more recently mentor (mumtor?).

Spirituality was always a part of our house; I remember her giving me meditations to do in the school playground where I’d imagine a ball of golden light moving down from my crown to my toes, and she got me doing self-inquiry from the age of 10, but it wasn’t until I was about nineteen that I moved from seeing it as this thing that my mum did to something I was also interested in. At which point she got a lot more interesting!

Three things come to mind when I think of my mum: her mastery, her generosity and her commitment to truth. I’ve never worked with another healer who can do what she does, which as far as I’m aware is basically everything, or who does it so generously. She is always open to feedback and the questioning of her own beliefs and issues. This combination has made her a formidable healer and a lovely person to be around.

But it isn’t all love and light ‘round here. My mum has had more than her fair share of difficulties. From an abusive relationship with my alcoholic dad to having a stroke and M.E. and more recently getting all her money stolen by her lawyer, my mum has had plenty of downs. It has been astounding to watch her rise from the ashes each time, and I’m amazed at how she’s managed to become more compassionate rather than bitter and hardened.

She’s really not the kind of healer who sits on top of her mountain and tells the villagers what they should be doing. She is down in the village with you, going through the same ups and downs as you are, but with a broader perspective, which is what makes her teachings so useful and potent. Not only do they fit into your normal life, they are born from her normal life.

She’s a good person, but she’s not a goodie-goodie, and I love the way that her teachings and style encourage us to include all of who we are, rather than exclude the ‘naughty’ bits of ourselves. There’s nothing pious about my mum.

It was such a joy to watch her run the last course and to witness her growing into this new role that goes way beyond her previous role of everyone’s secret support. Her energy system and capabilities are vast and I loved watching her stretch and pour herself into the course. She was born with a Sanskrit name, Avanti Shivpuri translates as ‘Endless house of Shiva’ and I feel that she is finally growing into it. It is such a blessing to share my momma and her teachings with the world.

It was also quite a risk – her 1-2-1 sessions are great so why fix what ain’t broken – and I have to applaud her for betting not only on herself but on me too. I think the bet paid off!

I know she will run this course with the same love, care, generosity and mastery with which she does everything else, and I’m so looking forward to you using the tools and skills that she has created to help navigate a relationship with your spirit within the context of your life.

jadeJade by Avanti

Jade was never really like a child. She was born tiny and early but was always very calm, self sufficient and said her first word at five months. Even then it wasn’t ‘mum’ or anything like that…I was running my finger down her spine and she said “Nice” every time I did it. By seven months she was walking and talking.

She continued in prodigy fashion and by the time she was four, the phrase “Oxbridge Material” began to get bandied about and by twelve she had a black belt in karate, played for Arsenal Ladies youth football team, and was top of the class in pretty much everything. You’d think this would have made life easy for her, but actually being good at everything has its drawbacks. How do you decide what to do with your life when you have an aptitude for so many things?

The world of the spirit and healing were always a part of Jade’s life. She cured her brother of appendicitis whilst still in primary school, but she didn’t take too kindly to me rushing onto the football pitch with my healing hands at the ready any time one of her teammates had an injury. In fact she really wished that I had a ‘normal’ job. It really wasn’t until she was about nineteen years old and realised that not only was she not her stuff, but that her stuff got in the way of who she was, that she showed any real interest in the work that I do.

She began to take courses in healing, and developed her own relationship with her spiritual world but never considered it to be her vocation. After studying philosophy at university and teaching children to play football, Jade then moved to Spain to teach adults to speak English before coming back to London and joining the corporate world.

Then something changed. She realised that she couldn’t ignore her spiritual and healingness any longer and began talking to me about the notion of us working together. She told me that I should share myself with the world and find ways to translate the work I was already happily doing into something that a larger audience could participate in. And she offered to help me to do it.

She left her job in the corporate world and turned down a hefty salary increase in order to follow the leanings of her spirit. People often ask me who I go to when I need spiritual support, and I can honestly say that Jade is always the first person that I turn to. The subtlety of her awareness matches mine, but she also has the advantage of an incredibly astute left brain.

Running Six Weeks of Spirit with my daughter is a pleasure. She is a wonderful healer in her own right and prefers working with groups, the bigger the better. She brings forth a particular quality of energy which resets things to their origins, that cleans and restores the parts of us that have been wounded. She reminds me of the Goddess Artemis.

It goes without saying that I am delighted that she has joined me to create this venture, and even though at twenty-seven, she is very young for a healer, her wisdom and depth have always belied her years. I know that with both Jade and me holding you as you take this journey, you are in very safe hands.

Course Overview

As soon as you sign up, even before the course actually begins, your system begins orientating towards it.

The course begins at the point where your life on earth began. We go right back to your creation, and retake your first steps in this world. Many of us had less than ideal babyhoods and hardly any of us had parents that knew how to parent or even welcome our spirits. It wasn’t their fault, they just didn’t know. For the first week, we hold and love the baby in you to release the early traumas and contractions. Previous participants reported sleeping like a baby during this stage, and the system gets reset to how it would have naturally been had those around us only known better.

The second week addresses the next stage of our lives; toddlerhood. Toddlerhood is when we begin to develop an ego, sometimes healthily, sometimes not. It is often a stage where our need for the love and protection of our caretakers is so strong that we will forgo our very nature in order to receive it. The focus this week is on how you are not your stuff, and we begin to help you dismantle the old blockages that get in the way of your natural expression in life.

Week three includes our teenage years and we focus on our deepest belief, the one that that plagues almost everybody in the Western world…the feeling that somehow, you are intrinsically, deep downly wrong. We grow up feeling that somehow we are not enough, or we are too much. It takes a huge amount of energy to maintain this totally unfounded story about ourselves and releasing ourselves from it creates a lot more freedom in our lives.

In week four we turn our attention to relationships. Ahh, relationships. The seat of many joys and frustrations in our lives. We clear from your system the debris from old encounters, as well as focussing on the current relationships in your life. One of the biggest healings of the course takes place this week. Clearing the Relating Container. This deep healing is about the way that we actually relate to others. Some of us say “yes” when we don’t want to, others have difficulty in even believing that they warrant someone’s time and attention. That can all go!

In week five we look at your entire life as an eco-system. If something is blocked in one area, it can’t help but impact other parts of your world. We tenderly look at how we got to where we are now, and find the points where we turned away from ourselves in order to firmly re-establish our connection.

In week six, everything comes together and you will be ready to step into a place of Sovereignty because you will have established a steadiness within you and are no longer held captive by the pushes and pulls of your external world.

A Typical Week Includes:

  • 1x two-hour long calls (6 in total)
  • 3x one-hour Q&A calls plus a call to close the course
  • 2x one-hour long healings per week (12 in total)
  • 4x ‘morning quickie’ healings per week (24 in total)
  • A Facebook community
  • Email support
  • A video library that grows with the course
  • 1008 hours of being lovingly held and energetically supported

What’s it like for us?

Intense, joyful and oh so in alignment with who we are! When we have spoken to other course facilitators about it, and tell them that we hold the energy field day and night for 6 weeks, they all look at us in amazement. We want to lift the lid on spirituality and bring it right into your life. Sometimes it is stillness, knowing and peace, other times it might look more like tears, snot and crap tv. There is a huge difference between being with our spirits on an ashram, and being with our spirits in our walking, talking, daily lives. For us it’s all about our daily lives, and having the opportunity to share this part of our lives with you feels like a blessing to us. Plus, it is such a treat to work with each other, and share each other with you!


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The investment for the whole six weeks of holding, healing, and guidance is £497 and enrolment is open until 5pm (UK time) on Saturday 29th October.

 We want the course to be affordable for anyone who wants to do it, and would hate for your spirit to be calling but for your bank to be frowning, so we’ve got a few payment plans available.

You can go for:

  • One x £497  (the cheapest option)
  • Two x £255
  • Three x £170

(If you select the multi payment option you will be billed at the time of purchase and then again every 28 days until the payment is complete.)

Refund policy
Once the course begins, we will be engaging with you deeply on an energetic level and even if you disengage from us, we will still be with you all the way through. Therefore we will not be offering refunds. However, if there is an event in your life during the course that makes it impossible for you to give it your attention, we will be happy to up the energetic support we offer you. If you find that you want out because of an issue that is arising, we will be happy to engage with you about the issue to help you move through it. It is very normal for stuff that has been suppressed in our systems to arise as soon as it’s given the opportunity to do so, and it only comes up to be addressed.