Here we have uploaded all the videos, audios and calls for you to download. There are a few different ways for you to do this, so have a look and see which option works best for you.
1 – Dropbox. Click this link and you’ll be taken to our Dropbox with all the files. From there you can take the files you want into your own Dropbox or directly to your computer, and from there your life! 🙂
The best way to do this seems to be via Vimeo (which is where they are already stored). So, head on over to the video playlist and enter the password: spiritvideos from there you will be able to see all the videos, and by clicking on the one you want you’ll be given the option to download it.
From healings (these are the audios you might have listened to during the morning and one hour healings)
From the Calls (these are the meditations and healings from the calls)
Getting into the Place You Relate From
Live Calls
Note Week 5 has been uploaded via a different download tool as file was too big.