What They Say…

“Day 3 and still no black fingers and my body feels so loose and light that I feel I could fly!!!! I have energy and the fatigue has gone!! I also instigated a night out with my girlfriend tonight so I’m just getting ready!! Haha my complexion looks alot better and I nipped into doctors to read my own blood pressure and guess what…. Haha after 16months it is normal!!!! Haha…. How can I ever thank you enough?? I love you my lovely lovely kind wonderful angel.”
– Jenny Share

“You seemed to be able to crystallize our situation to a level that was just beyond my conscious awareness but which resonated deeply with me.”
– Sam Jones

“I felt, and still feel, quite different – which leads me to believe wholeheartedly that things really can change, and quickly too, as you say. Not only did you give me insight and healing – but you have proven to me beyond doubt that my abilities are real, and that as such, it’s time for me to honour and respect my own ‘inner compass’ and to place my consciousness at a higher level, as you said. And even to know that I have that choice is extremely liberating! There is so much more that I could say but only thing which seems to fit is THANK YOU! I trust that you will feel the resonance beneath the words.”
– Amanda T

“The breadth and depth of Avanti’s insight into my personal system and the obstacles I had faced was overwhelmingly reassuring. Deliberately and diligently held with a clear way forward. I have worked consistently and regularly with Avanti, and I hold her in the highest regard as a professional, a mother and a pioneer in her consultant work for people’s unfolding. Her kindness, care and attention to detail, as well as her referral to other processes that would support my unfolding has been invaluable. Also she has a great sense of humour and presence that can simply ” tell it how it is”. Honest feedback, with humour, is as compassionate as it is priceless and absent in far too many advisory and caring support services today.”

Book her now and keep her contact l details close at hand, you’ve found a rock and a safe pair or hands to support you at last.”
– Sinead

“A session with Avanti is a journey within your deepest depth. There is always a before and after feeling. In each sessions I have covered ”miles” and miles of issues and resolved them. Her talent and sensitivity are extremely special and transformative. What an immense gift to yourself. I have metamorphosed myself over the years with her great support. I have understood issues I was plagued with for decades. I feel very blessed to have had this opportunity.”
– Caroline Ada

“I was given a session with Avanti as a birthday present when I was in a particular time of change.I had never had anything like that before. The first thing that I noticed was Avanti’s gentle healing energy and I immediately felt extremely comfortable and open. Talking to Avanti is, on the one hand, like experiencing a spiritual reflection and on the other a dipping into a deep fount of wisdom.”
– Ewout

“Avanti is amazing! She has the ability to tune in to people and situations like none I have come across before! She has helped me in all areas of my life from relationships, work and health. She is down to earth, good humoured and practical with her advice. Listening to her is like listening to my own intuition! I completely recommend her. id say her particular speciality is tuning in to people she has never met and explaining what is going on for them to you so that it brings more understanding and harmony with them!”
– Fiona Shakeela Burns (www.cancerucan.blogspot.co.uk)

Avanti manages to somehow get to the root of the problem and then soothingly over the phone with her lovely soft voice talks to you, letting you know what she is doing while she clears away things you didn’t realise were the cause and basically makes you all better or more determined to succeed with the right tools she has given you. Avanti explains that this is energy that is stuck in your system and just needs to be cleared away! She makes it sound so simple! In my eyes, a session with Avanti is like being kissed by an angel and wrapped in her big angel wings.”
– Lisa Morris

“Thank you so much for everything you have done. It was absolutely wonderful and inspiring to be seen and understood so deeply and truly. I very much enjoy your easiness and sense of humor which helped me unfold many layers of my conditioning, seeing my potential and connect with the real Martina, most probably for the very first time”.
– Martina Simkova

“Avanti is incredibly gifted with such deep wisdom, compassion and a huge heart. I have been working with Avanti for a couple of years and her support, advice and guidance has been priceless, enabling me to see, explore and shift perspectives, challenges and issues in magical and transformative ways. Not only do you travel with Avanti to places you didn’t know existed, your work with her is also grounded in the practical, making a difference in the every day though often in unexpected ways. You might not get what you expected, but you always get exactly what you need. I can’t recommend Avanti highly enough”.
– Sarah Rose Bright (www.sarahrosebright.co.uk)

“I’ve been working with Avanti for the last 3 years and I can’t recommend her enough. She is remarkable: a visionary ‘soul coach’ who sees me clearer and more brightly than I see myself. Avanti can see my potential, my purpose and where I’m blocking myself from achieving them. The energetic work she does has a real, substantial and lasting positive effect. With her care, love, compassion and wisdom, she’s been one of the cornerstones of my personal growth over the last 3 years. Simply extraordinary!”
– London Faerie (www.londonfaerie.co.uk)

“During my sessions with Avanti I experienced an inordinate amount of clearing and letting go within my physical and energetic system. My perspective and understanding widened so that I was able to release my tight and contracted grip on myself and instead expand into a much more peaceful and easy relationship with myself. Avanti travelled alongside me in the healing like an old friend. She made the extraordinary ordinary with her clear and down to earth approach. Nothing fazed her, and her direct and kind communication created a very warm container for our sessions.”
– Jenny Smith

“I would recommend Avanti because she gives pragmatic and down to earth advice mixed with energetic healing that really works on different levels of the problem(s). I felt better immediately after our session and had a sense of clarity regarding my situation. She has a genuine compassion and an authentic desire to help.”
– Ishtar (www.ishtar.tv)