Welcome to Week Six, the final week of the course where we bring it all together with Sovereignty!
This week is all about you feeling at home in yourself and living as a sovereign being who is free to move through the world in a true, natural and authentic way.
After five weeks of working thorugh your stuff, we arrive at the final week, and can’t wait to have you sitting at the centre of your life, where you don’t get pushed around by your emotions or live your life trying to avoid someone else’s egdges.
To start feeling into the week we invite you to see where you already feel sovereign. This might be in your work, or in a hobbie, when dancing or horseriding. Chances are you will already have at least one area of your life where you feel solid, sovereign and at home, so that would be a good place to start.
Note about the healing today (Sunday 12th June) – for today’s healing we invite you to choose what you’d like to work on and what you’d like cleared. To do this you just need to hold the intention and we will clear it during the healing.
If you are able to tune in live then please focus on what you want cleared, and if you can’t make it live then just set the intention before the healing and we will work on it while you sleep! 🙂
If you don’t set an intention then we will intend to clear the most pressing and beneficial thing in your system.
The Call
*Please note that with Zoom we have to use a new link/URL for each call, so the one from last week won’t work this week*
To join using your internet browser click here
Dial: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088 (UK number)
Meeting ID: 598 229 531
International numbers available here
To join using the app you will need to open it and enter the Meeting ID: 598 229 531
We will continue with the ‘morning quickie’ healings from 9am-9:30am UK time from Tuesday – Friday.
We will continue with the ‘morning quickie’ healings from 9am-9:30am UK time from Tuesday – Friday.
The hour long healing this week will be:
Thursday 16th at 6pm UK time
Bonus call on Saturday
We are having a bonus call on Saturday from 11am – 12 UK time 18th to end the course, and the details are below:
To join using your internet browser click here
Dial: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088 (UK number)
Meeting ID: 524 181 891
International numbers available here
To join using the app you will need to open it and enter the Meeting ID: 524 181 89
If you’re unable to make it don’t worry as it will be recorded and uploaded like the Monday calls.
So so so much love and speak to you on Monday,
Avanti and Jade
Meditation – Feeling Your Being
Healing – Coming Home to Yourself