Welcome to Week One! We are so very happy that you’re here and so looking forward to getting started and spending the next six weeks with you and your spirit!
Live Call Recordings
Live Healings Recordings
This week is all about starting at the beginning, at your origins.
On a human level, we will be with you as a baby. It’s like we go back in time and re-do your early days, but this time we tend to your spirit and what it found as it made its entrance in the world. If there is anything in your babyhood, or time in the womb that you know of which could do with extra support please let us know. This would include things like your mother being depressed, your father being absent, issues with or concerning your siblings. Or anything else that comes to mind as you read these words, anything before the age of about two.
Another way to look at it would be that we will be working with the deepest depths of you, to strengthen your system from the inside out. Many in this group are wanting stronger foundations and deeper roots so that they can occupy their full space in the world.
Please be aware that the stuff that you can see, like the calls and the Facebook group really are the tip of the iceberg and our greatest expertise lies in the underlying energetics of life, and this is something that you will experience whether as a felt sense or in the way that your life unfolds as we go along.
And there is no problem if you are unable to join us live. It is important that SWoS fits into your life, so we ensure that everything we do holds its ‘aliveness’ for at least one week, although previous participants said that it lasted even longer.
We have a Facebook for the course and you are welcome to join and engage in the way you wish. There’s no right or wrong way to be in the group, and you might find that how you engage with it varies and changes over the time.
The Facebook group is a good place to ask questions and get support, and we will also use it to live stream the healings (it’s pretty handy as Facebook records them and keeps them on the page), so you can join us live or listen later.
If you don’t want to join the the group that’s totally fine and you’re not missing out by not having the live sstream – last time we didn’t have a live stream and the healings were felt perfectly fine so there’s really no pressure to join.
If you would like to join the group, click here.
And that’s all the info you need for now! We’re so happy you’re here and can’t wait to get started!
Big love,
Avanti and Jade xxxxx