Week Six


Live Call Recordings

Thursday Q&A and Healing

Closing Call

Woah, Week Six already? Seems like just yesterday we were getting started with your babyness, and now we’re standing at the door waving as you step out into sovereignty. What proud spiritual parents/sisters/guides we are!

Firstly, we would like to applaud you for how far you’ve come and for being to prioritise your spirit and to really go there. Some of you have had dramatic, explosive issues coming to a head during the course, and for others it’s been subtler but no less deep, and we deeply bow at your commitment to the course, to your spirit and to living your life.

Can you take a moment to acknowledge yourself, and to see how far you’ve come and how much you’ve shed?

So, sovereignty. Sovereignty. What a big, delicious word.

Sovereignty has always been our destination. We went back to your origins and cleared as much as we could there, then we moved to your outward expression in the world and made that as harmonious as possible, last week we started putting everything in its appropriate place, and this week we crown you sovereign of your life.

Sovereignty, for us, means standing on your own feet, not needing to be carried by others but equally not lugging others along. It means listening to yourself and having the courage and conviction to act on what you know to be true. It’s being at the still, centre of the storm when it comes to your emotions, and not living your life as an apology, avoiding people’s edges lest you offend them. It’s trusting yourself, it’s wanting to be you and wanting to live your life. No one can live your life for you, and you can’t live anyone else’s life, all you can do is fully and joyfully live your own life.

Sound good? We do hope so!

This is also just the start. We’ve given you everything we’ve got in these six weeks to get you ready and solid on your feet, so that you can go out into the world as a free and natural expression of who you really are.

Does this mean that every day from here on out will be perfect? Hahaha, if only! What it does mean that every day from here on out, should you choose, can be yours. That your life can be your own. Of course issues will arise, but you will be there to address them, and you will be better equipped now than when we started.

You’ve got a whole library of videos, calls and healings to go back to when you want. You’ve had so much work done on your system and so much has moved. And you’ve spent the last six weeks focussing on your spirit. That really is something. By hook or by crook you were able to carve out the time to focus on and be with your spirit.

This week has a graduation feel to it, like you’re on the home straight. The first four weeks in particular felt very labour intensive; emotions, feelings, trauma. And weeks five and six have a bringing it all together feeling, with this week being the crowing moment.

So, with no further ado, let’s get sovereign!

Links for calls 


Saturday 10th Dec Closing Call at 11am-12pm (UK time)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/287911423
Or Telephone:
Dial: +44 (0) 20 3695 0088 (United Kingdom Toll)
Meeting ID: 287 911 423
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=aksbE5fLU_2KIIpROaMGuH1IOX8LOfFC

This call will bring the live part of the course to a close and be a time to reflect and say bye. We will be holding your systems and integrating the work for another 24 hours after the call. So whilst this is our last call, your systems will be held until Sunday 11th Dec. We’ll talk about this more on Monday but wanted to give you a head’s up.